With the forthcoming Scotland trip all booked up, thoughts
turn to preparation and getting the car ready. Nothing major – more like tinkering really.
Front brakes – replace pads with softer compound
for more effective braking
Mintex MDB1175M1144

Steering Wheel
I replaced my 280mm wheel last
year with a 330mm deep dish and added a quick release. This purposefully moved
the driving position back so I could push the seat back for a better driving
position. I think I overdid it with the deep disk plus the depth of the quick release. Swapped the deep dish with the old flat wheel
today – much better. Will keep an eye out of a flat 300mm wheel
Cables - Identify and procure spare clutch cable and
accelerator cable
Kitspares £30 – throttle cable
RHD Plenum
Kitspares £21 – Clutch cable RHD
Cold starting

Air Filter - Change the air filter on the plenum
Was 85mm Neck Cone filter Piper Cross
(KitSpares £38) – going to try K&N RC-8040.
K&N fitted without issue. Engine breathing fine and I think also improved cold starting.
Tyres - Swap around the tyres to even out tyre wear
Fuel Filter - Replace the fuel filter and check the fuel hoses
Tried the Syntec SSF2070 fuel filter. It's s higher capacity flow that the Kitspares original but is physically bigger (60mm diameter and 80mm length). There is plenty of space back there and the mounting is easily modified via the use of a tyewrap - Done
Fuel hoses in the engine bay show
signs of cracking on the outer casing. Those not exposed to the heat of the
engine bay i.e. those connecting the LP pump and fuel filter at the rear, look
Replace the engine bay 8mm fuel
hoses with SAE J30R9 rated hoses
High Pressure pump to fuel rail – 680mm
Fuel rail to swirl pot – 880mm
Fuel feed to swirl pot – 370mm
So roughly
2m of hose - Done.
Crank Breather - Replace the crank breather filter and check the
This filter is often choked with
oil and there is signs of oil escaping through the filter onto the block. Will
try 15mm pipe in place of the 8mm perhaps that will allow better breathing.
Crank to catch tank – 320mm
Catch tank to filter – 150mm
So roughly 0.5m of 15mm
Nose cone
A few things annoy me about the
nose cone (other than being palmed off with old stock - but that's a different story):
The badge position – too far forward where there
is a clear position for the badge (in the sunlight)
Nose cone not straight against the bonnet - move the cone up and back. It now sits straight against the bonnet front lip, although the lip now protrudes upwards slightly. I'll try some subtle bending of the bonnet.
c) The stock indicators - I would prefer a smaller format LED, but that will need a new flasher relay fitted also. I will wait until show season and pick some indicators from one of the trade stands.