I pinched this photo from Dave Smeaton's blog because I forgot to take a "before" photo (Thanks Dave - hope you don't mind). I have labelled the components so you can see where I think they all should end up. As with most of this build, I doubt there is a right and a wrong, but if it seems logical then it's probably OK.
Here is a photo with everything fitted so you can see the layout.
I fitted the tensioner first as this seemed the most straightforward and reduced the number of components left to choose from for the top and bottom bracket assemblies.
In order to fit the top bracket the inlet manifold had to come off first. On my Zetec the mounting hole was also being used for one of the engine winch eyes. As I am still using these winch points to move the front of car around the garage, I left the winch eye in situ.
The lower bracket uses the spacer [17] between it and the engine block. The alternator itself is held into the bracket with washers used as spacers.
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